Rules and regulations for the CQB AS-DF pitch

In general :
In general :
- No running, backing up, lying down or sitting on the CQB pitch.
- Climbing on structures or scenery is forbidden.
- It’s forbidden to pull or grab onto the Spawns’ protective covers.
- It is forbidden to open or close building doors / emergency exits during game phases without good reason.
- It is forbidden to leave via the emergency exits.
- It’s forbidden to pass through Spawns (your team’s or your opponent’s) when you’re in play, and it’s also forbidden to shoot from or in the direction of Spawns.
- It’s forbidden to make physical contact during games, and it’s also forbidden to use any type of knife on the pitch (dummy or real).
- It is forbidden to shoot blind or in the direction of light sources on the ground. It is also forbidden to shoot upwards.
- It is forbidden to remove eye protection (goggles, paintball masks) during game phases. Goggles or mesh masks are not permitted on the field.
- It is forbidden to use any fireworks (home-made or legal) of smoke or detonating type (taginn grenade, KYOU…) on the pitch.
- It is forbidden to shoot before or after the game phase.
- It is forbidden to damage the pitch.
- It is forbidden to sit on the preparation tables in the “Neutral” zone and on the tables located at each Spawn.
For any problems during the game, please go to the door of the ” Neutral ” zone and knock on the door to be let in.
At the end of the game, no more shots will be allowed. Disengage magazines for airsoft replicas and do not touch any buttons on Laser equipment.
Go to and waitfor the door to open. And keep your protective gear with you!
⚠Breakage must be paid for⚠
For airsoft
- You must be an MAJOR to play airsoft on our field.
- Eye protection (goggles, mask, etc.) complying with airsoft standard EN166B is mandatory. You must keep your protective eyewear with you whenever you leave the preparation room.
- Rigid protection for the mouth is mandatory, whether with a mesh guard or a paintball mask.
- You must disengage your magazines in the preparation room, which is a “NEUTRAL” zone for both pistols and long replicas.
- Any replica will be limited to 350 Fps / 1.15 Joules. Any PA (automatic pistol) with an HPA system and M4 magazine adapter will be limited to 100 Psi.
- It is forbidden to use the full-automatic Binary or BURST system (burst of 3 or more balls).
- All shooting will be SEMI-AUTO.
- It’s compulsory to shout “OUT” when you’re hit by a ball (no matter where). You must also raise your hand to show that you have been hit.
- You will be asked to return to your SPAWN area defined by the plastic tarpaulins to resume your life and return to play.
- Verbal OUT is allowedHowever, if your opponent does not declare OUT, the ball will always be taken as proof.
- Grenades complying with airsoft GAS or mechanical grenades are authorized on the CQB field, with an impact radius of 3 meters or one piece (even hidden behind a set element).
As part of the laser
- You must be at least 7 years old and 1m20 tall to play Laser on our course.
- Sensors on the headband and laser replica may not be concealed in any way.
- You will be asked to keep a reasonable distance from your opponent to avoid any damage.
- It is forbidden to touch the Laser replica’s firing selector.
- To hit an opponent and put him out of action, aim at the light receptors on the headbands and on the laser replica.
- When you hear a character shout and several ” BEEPS” in a row, you’re out of the game and can’t shoot anymore.
- To return to the game, go to your Spawn and press the RED Button. Your headband will vibrate and light up, and you’ll get all your full chargers back.
- When you run out of ammunition (you’ll hear a click with each shot), pull back the replica laser’s cocking lever and wait 3 seconds for a new 30-shot ” engage”magazine.
- If you’ve emptied your 5 chargers and are still playing, go to your Spawn and press the YELLOW button to recover all your chargers.
V1.1 of the “CQB AS-DF ground rules” document Updated on 30/11/2021